Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A Very Capernwray Christmas

‘Twas the week before Christmas break and all through the Castle
Not a creature was stirring… ok so that would be a hassle
The garlands were wrapped on the staircases with care
Only some of the students got to decorate which wasn’t quite fair
The students were bundled all snug in their scarves
While they walked to class and thought “was it always this far?”
And Rob on the stage and I in my seat
Had just settled in with our normal routine
When out from the students arose such a clamor
I turned to my friends to see what’s the matter
They turned and said to me “we have so many plans to make
Because it’s almost time for winter break!”
The internet here is shoddy and slow
While we try to book our tickets before the first snow
When what to my wondering eyes did appear
The first flakes of snow, oh my oh dear!
With the scoffs of all the Canadians near
I ran to the snow without a thought or fear
“That’s not snow that’s sleet that came”
But I don’t really mind it looks like snow all the same
Now cider, now cookies, now fires appear
Boosting the sense of holiday cheer
Crowds in the library and crowds in the lounge
Students chattering on, not a seat can you scrounge
As the week boils down there is still so much to be done
But don’t worry, almost all of its fun
So to the laptops and bus stops the students flew
Doing last minute shopping they knew they must do
And the printers queued up with assignments galore
From students who thought “I hope there’s not more”
Portfolios were finished at the end of the beds
As we all turned our minds to the fun things ahead
The choir is practicing high notes and low
And getting all ready for more than one show
The girls got their hats out for afternoon tea
For the girls night planned by the kitchen staff employees
Then all the guys and the girls began to worry
Because the Christmas banquet was coming in a hurry
The boys pulled their ties out from who knows where
And the girls planned what to do with their hair
The pigeon holes began filling up with letters
And apparently I’m expecting a Christmas pepper…
As the countdown continues on our advent calendar
And the food is getting blander and blander
We think it’s both bitter and sweet
That the year is halfway over, what a feat!
But refusing to think of these sad tidings
We smile and eat our all of our Christmas puddings
And sing carols and dance
Like we are all in some kind of a cheery trance
From the high hills of England speckled with sheep
You might hear us in Capernwray as we shout and leap
And smile and wave with all of our might
“Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night!”
Cara and I made this Christmas tree using branches from a bush and lots of tape

Christmas decorating  madness, this might be a fire hazard..  

Tea and Crumpets while making cookies!
Extra Notes: Rob is Rob Whittaker the principal of Capernwray, I joined the school choir, and my dad’s friend bought some sort of pepper that is being shipped to me so I can bring it home for him. I’ll see you all in about a week!

1 comment:

  1. LOVED YOUR POEM!!!! You really are quite the writer. See you soon!!!!!
